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Week 6 - Jar decorating and Paper Marbling

 This week the children collected some leaves and various small foliage in the school grounds to decorate jars - next week we will create something with the jars - but today was so much fun designing the jar- they can of course be left as they are right now - and used as a decoration for fairy lights or a candle -

We also did some paper marbling - inspired by the colours of nature.

Below here is the finished artwork that we created over the last two weeks - using the cyanotypes and the fabric artworks that each child made in the class - and they are all sewn and combined into one large artwork - its looks so amazing!! 

The details of some of the pieces here are so creative - -well done everyone - your should be so proud!

Here are the decorated jars -- after spending some time outside collecting colourful petals and leaves.  

And finally below are the marbled papers - didn't get to take photos of them all - but they were so creative...


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