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Showing posts from November, 2023

Week 4 - Working with fabric, thread and sticks

 This week the children were offered a choice of what they would prefer to make - an individual work or a group work - the children chose to create group work. Thinking about wintertime and natuve - we also spoke of the Cailleach - goddess of winter - inspired by this we began to work on a circle of life - nature - seasons changing. Everyone shared the work by cutting fabric -  helping combine put the sticks we collected on the first week together  - we all tied on a piece of fabric or the prints created. The work is looking like a Circle of life artwork -  made with the botanical prints hanging from the branch structure.  Deciding how to put the work together - planning. working on combining the sticks with thread and fabric strips. Everyone is adding some fabric to the Artwork  Its coming together! The finished work Very proud bunch, Just need to find somewhere in the school to hang the work now! Very productive team work today!

Week 3 - All Things with Fabric and Botanical Prints

This week the boys and girls were super productive - Working with the dyes created last week, the children created books and used the dyes to colour the paper on the books - then we put some fabric in the dyes to soaked for the next week and lets see what happens.   Squeezing out the plants from the dyes to remove. Creating a paper book and using the dyes on paper. All the books created by the children are here - finished  Some children already write and drawed in their books! Next we collected some wild plants outside to use for our Cyanotypes Prints.  Each person created a lovely print design We will leave these for a few hours - because we have no sunshine today,  lets see what happens to these prints.  Each of the jars now has piece of fabric in it soaking for the week. Excited to see if the dyes work on the fabric.  Some of the final Cyanotopes.. A Very Productive class today!!   

Week 2 - Creating Sun-Brewed Dye Bath and Botanical Prints

 We had a beautiful sunshine filled day again today - perfect for exploring the garden - looking for different items to create dyes and prints - The children had a great time exploring and learning about the Cailleach and her herbs and ways - myths of winter time - they brought in stories from home - and we will take ideas from these stories - and the mandalas from last week - and the dyes from this week to help move forward to the next week. collecting wildplants, flowers and leaves These are the Sun brewed Dye baths all prepared in jars - each one is filled with one plant, berry, flower or bark by each of the children - all found in the school grounds.  All the jars with sit on the window sill for the week creating a natural sun kissed dye in a jar. Each jar is labeled with the names plant - and the owner's name. We are so excited to see what happens in the next week to theses jars and the colours that will emerge. Then we went on to create botanical prints on fabric  Leaves, wil

Week 1 - Mandalas in Nature

We all met for the first time today to work on an Art Project as part of the South Dublin Education Center Blast Programme. Delighted to meet the third class children and their teacher. A perfect autumn morning for spending time in the outdoors creating mandalas - the children really took this task on board and worked extremely well in building their creations - we can see them all below - really amazing designs. Well done everyone - they are fantastic!  We even came across a few different species of mushrooms